University Recruiters
is here to make your
job hunt easier
Not only do we prepare you for the hiring process by cleaning up your social media presence and your resume, but we also connect you directly with open positions that we feel would be a great fit for your skills, your passions, and your personal goals.
Choose the job that
is right for you
We don’t do any hiring or firing at University Recruiters, so we encourage our candidates to be completely honest about which jobs they want and which jobs they don’t. Our candidates are free to go on as many job interviews as they want and choose their own “best fit”.
The best part is:
costs you nothing!
University Recruiters is paid by employers to find good candidates, which means that there is no outstanding cost to be paid by the candidates. In addition, employers with job opportunities call University Recruiters looking for qualified candidates. This means that any candidate we recommend to our clients is given priority over other applicants in competition for that position.
Let’s get in touch
Get started working with University Recruiters by uploading your resume or contacting us today.
We are prepared to help you find your way into the new career.